Today we would like to show you a truly divine medicinal preparation we often use in our spa and you can also use easily at home. Have a look:


– named after the God of Ayurveda – Dhanwantari.
The main incrediences – besides water and cows milk – is a plant called Sida cordifolia or in sanskrit: Bala.
Bala means strength and power – that is what the oil can benefit you. Indicated when vata dosha is out of balance, during and after pregnancies, also for the baby, and rather serious

Dhanwantharam Thailam

Dhanwantharam Thailam


like arthritis, back ache, neuralgia, nourishes skin and detoxes. It is one of the most widely used oils here. We use it for all kinds of treatments, not only massages. A great benefit for you would be, if you took some of Dhanwantharam Thailam home with you and apply the oil yourself for a few weeks more. Dhanwantharam Thailam is available at our store from our own brand!

In a later post we will tell you about more varieties of Dhanwantaram Thaliam which are also commonly used for very specific ailments.
And do check with our Dr. Hari first, wether this oil is suitable for your body constitution.

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Murivenna – a must-have!



Must definitely take home with you:
MURIVENNA -from the Malayalam language literally meaning “wound -oil”.
As the name suggests you can apply the oil on all kinds of wounds ;-).
It has antiseptic, wound healing properties, stops wound bleeding and is pitta balancing.
Take it home with you for things like:
sprains, pain (think of neck, back and shoulder…), swelling, stiffness, fractures, inflamed joints, bruises, insect bites, Herpes simplex and H. zoster even Akne, burns, old and fresh wounds, ulcers and for your old grandma who might lie in bed all the time and suffer from decubitus – so all in all: a must have!

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